Bodyweight strength workout for beginners

I’ll keep this one simple and to the point, since that’s what you’re looking for. Mind you, this workout and progressions are thought for beginners. Intermediate and advanced trainees may find a couple of ideas here, but this won’t really help you progress.

Defining a beginner

Here we will group everyone that isn’t used to bodyweight training. Why? Because there are subtle differences between weight traning and bodyweight training that include the coordination of several muscle groups and the movements in particluar. So, even though you’ll breeze through some sessions until you find your sweet spot, it’s highly recommended you start at the very beginning.

Bodyweight workout for beginners, starting bodyweight workout

Every one’s got to start somewhere!

How we’ll test it

We’re going to test it through sheer number of reps. Before you start on this you’ll test yourselves in full bodyweight squats and pushups in one minute. Only good reps count, so take your time, don’t hurry up (think of going as fast as you can go well). You’ll retest yourself at the end of the 6th week. Write down those numbers (both before and after).

What results can you expect?

Even though these will vary for individuals, and as far as body composition goes it will rely on your diet, you can expect some fatloss, muscle growth, conditioning and strength gains, as well as some mobility progress as well. This will depend on each individual, and the fact that you’re beginners will let you gain some of those noob gains. More experienced lifters won’t enjoy so many benefits because, well, your body is already stronger. Of course, your reps will go up, if anything, through sheer practice.

How to do it

You’ll be doing these exercises in a circuit. Meaning you’ll perform one exercise right after you finish the one before. After each circuit you’ll rest 2-3 minutes.

Reps: keep them low, 3 to 6, never over 8.

Sets: keep them mid to high, 3 to 5.

Frequency: as often as you like, at least 3x a week, but feel free to go up to 5 if you can take it!


You’ll be performing exercises until they stop working for you. Basically, once you hit the 10 rep mark in easier exercises it’s safe to start with 3 reps of the next in order of difficulty. Squats, at the beginning, you’ll be doing up until the 20 rep mark. Why? Because I said so. This will vary between individuals, sometimes you’ll have to work longer on a particular progression, so give it time. Remember, this will work for you only if you work on it!

Do this for at least 5 weeks and deload on the 6th!

The Excercises

A Push: Choose one STEP from this list. Start with something that’s challenging enough to let you do 5 quality reps for

full squat for leg progress in bodyweight workout for beginners

This excercise will work your legs like nothing else!

one set.

A Pull: Choose one STEP from this list. Start with something that challenges you as the previous.

A Squat: Choose one STEP from this list. Here, start with something that challenges you to get 10 reps.

A Core: You’ll start at Bent Leg raises until you hit 15 reps for 3 sets. Then you’ll go to lying straight leg raises and then you’ll go to hanging knee raises. Change the exercise once you hit 3 sets of 15 reps. Once you manage that start working on Hanging leg raises.

After you finish those exercises you’ll do 5 sets of 1 minute work with 30 seconds rest of one animal form. Choose between bear crawlsape (my favorite animal form, it’s just plain fun!) and crab walks. Take it easy on them; they are more challenging than they let on.

The Workout in a Nutshell

You’ll do:

  1. A test of pushups and squats. Take down how many reps you can do correctly in a minute.
  2. A push + A pull + A squat + a leg for 5 circuits, resting 2 minutes between circuits. Keep it challenging.
  3. You’ll finish with some animal form travelling for 1 minute work with 30 second rests.
  4. Cool down with static stretching.
  5. During the sixth week you’ll do half of the reps per set that you were doing.
  6. At the end of the 6th week you’ll retest yourself. Then you’ll put how many reps you managed in the comment section below!

Now get to work!

Motus Virtute

PS: share with us how you did with it!

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